Greater Boston’s Graffiti culture

Street Art

I worked in Boston. One of the benefits of commuting into the city was that I was surrounded by many talented street artists’ work. In my 20’s Banksy became well known, giving street art, street cred. That was also the time when I took an interest in graffiti culture. So here I’ll be posting some urban finds from the greater Boston Area. Hope you enjoy it as much as I do (:πŸ”οΈπŸŒ™

I love this guy. I think this is LMA, and have seen variations Where there’s a J before the face giving a raspberry πŸ˜›
More from the Orange line, Muska and a few older throwies
Orange Line, from left to right, NOEST(?) CHAPE & CAPTUS
CAFE, to the left of NOEST on the O Line.
A doorway in Chinatown.
I think MUSKA is LMA, and I’m not sure of the other artist. Orange line, Roxbury.
I love the heart balloon, and the fish above is a prolific artist as well. More to come.
Colorful corner in Chinatown.
Under a bridge, an incubator for style refinement.
Bubbly throwie near the subway station, highly visible from the train
This highly stylized piece is on a pipe that runs parallel to the bridge in the photo to the right. Unique placement.
A colorful throwie by the bridge, in the two photos to the left. MODSLMA, and maybe DEXT as well