Sun & Moon, Boho Hippy Home

I was diagnosed with epilepsy later on in life. This was a blow to not only my ego, but also just about every other aspect of my life. I couldn’t drive, so I couldn’t see my friends and it limited my ability to find a job. But luckily I live in a city that has a world class transportation system and medical care. My condition also made me realize what I truly wanted. A warm and loving home.

Because the home I grew up in was desolate and unpredictable. I spent much of my time wandering around my house, completely alone save for the episodes of The Simpsons that was on four or five times a day. To say I was raised by Marge and Homer Simpson is not that far from the truth. As I grew older I emulated the life styles of my attachment figures to belong. But I had strayed pretty far from who I am and what I wanted. What I most desired was to have a home. A place that was safe, warm, and filled with kindness and caring. A sanctuary. But also a place that reflected my personality. So that’s what I’ve decided to do. Create that home I longed for in my youth. A boho hippy home.

What is a Boho Hippy Home

Example of a photo that represents the boho hippy home aesthetic

What I mean by hippy is, when I turned 14, hippy culture was making a comeback in pop culture. There was a headshop in my town, Thread Heads, that sold mostly hippy wears. Think brightly colored T-shirts, hacky-sacks, incense, beaded necklaces and the like. Mexicali Blues, a hippy shop in Maine, is pretty similar to what I remember the local head shop in my town looking like. This was also where I felt most comfortable and a sense of belonging.

It was mostly the saturated colors and positive messages that made me feel peace, at ease. I’m also a Phish and Grateful Dead fan (maybe the only one who doesn’t smoke pot : ), and the elements of their gypsy lifestyle are in line with the comfort I feel being surrounded by it.

And Boho because the hippy lifestyle reminds me of Rumi and the Sufi Mystics, gypsy like, who traveled in caravans in the early 13th century in the Middle East. Later, gypsies became known as bohemian, as artists and folk who lived unconventional lifestyles.

In the following pages I’ll be sharing my projects, goals, and the resources I find along the way while I turn my living space into a boho hippy home, a haven : ) See you inside. Peace ( : ๐Ÿ”๏ธ๐ŸŒ™๐ŸŒง๏ธ๐Ÿ•ฏ๏ธ